(404) 214-1250

Appeals & Appellate Work

As experienced advocates, we understand the complexities of insurance law.  For that reason, we are often asked to handle the appeals of cases where the initial result was less than ideal. Fields Howell attorneys are equally equipped to handle the appeals of the favorable results obtained from trial courts across the country.  We have handled appeals in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, and Eleventh Circuits, and state appellate courts in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

Taking on the tough cases and novel issues of law means we cannot win them all, but we will gladly put our appellate record up against any firm.

Appeals & Appellate Work Team

Appeals & Appellate Work Team

James M. Bauer

James M. Bauer

Giulia Bollini

Giulia Bollini

Paul L. Fields, Jr.

Paul L. Fields, Jr.

Michael H. Galex

Paul L. Fields, Jr.

Samuel J. Gittle

Samuel J. Gittle

John P. Golden

John P. Golden

Brandon R. Gossett

Brandon R. Gossett

Tal Harari

Tal Harari

Taryn M. Kadar

Taryn M. Kadar

Stephen A. Kahn

Stephen A. Kahn

Ann T. Kirk

Ann T. Kirk

Robert L. Lakind

Robert L. Lakind

Gregory L. Mast

Gregory L. Mast

Lionel F. Rivera

Lionel F. Rivera

Armando P. Rubio

Armando P. Rubio

Tyler E. Sanchez

Tyler E. Sanchez

Tyler Bryant Walker

Tyler Bryant Walker

Jennifer W. Wolak

Jennifer W. Wolak