(404) 214-1250

Motor Carrier

Fields Howell has assisted a broad range of motor carrier clients. We have counseled corporations and their insurers regarding best management and training practices and have mediated and defended trucking cases at trial. Fields Howell attorneys routinely address the specialized issues involved in motor carrier litigation, including issues arising from:

  • Department of Transportation Regulations
  • Negligent Hiring, Training, and Retention Claims
  • Negligent Maintenance and Repair Allegations

In addition, our attorneys represent insurers who are directly named in a legal action arising out of a trucking accident. We implement discovery and trial strategies to address complex issues that are now commonplace in taking the modern-day trucking case to trial, including those involving multiple domestic and foreign party and non-party trucking companies and their respective insurers.

Motor Carrier Team

Motor Carrier Team

Pedro J. Collazo

Zachary J. Ferreira

Paul L. Fields, Jr.

Michael H. Galex

John P. Golden

Taryn M. Kadar

Stephen A. Kahn

Ann T. Kirk

Logan M. King

Armando P. Rubio