(404) 214-1250

Directors & Officers

Fields Howell attorneys actively counsel insurers in respect to Directors & Officers coverages.  Our experience includes cases involving corporate, securities, employment, and financial institution disputes against individual directors and officers and claims for entity coverage. Our experience with complex litigation makes us well-equipped to address all types of D&O disputes that arise.

In recent years, we served as lead defense counsel in a $10 million bond issuance dispute, obtaining summary judgment for our client and being awarded $100,000 in attorneys’ fees from the plaintiff.  That decision was then affirmed by the Court of Appeals.

Directors & Officers Team

Directors & Officers Team

Pedro J. Collazo

Paul L. Fields, Jr.

Brandon R. Gossett

Nolan C. Hendricks

Gregory L. Mast

Robert E. McLaughlin

Lionel F. Rivera

Samantha L. Rowles

Jennifer W. Wolak