by sociallinus | Aug 1, 2018 | Practice Areas
Motor Carrier Fields Howell has assisted a broad range of motor carrier clients. We have counseled corporations and their insurers regarding best management and training practices and have mediated and defended trucking cases at trial. Fields Howell attorneys...
by sociallinus | Aug 1, 2018 | Practice Areas
Professional Liability/Indemnity We are a recognized “go to” firm for insurers writing sophisticated professional indemnity risks. Fields Howell regularly represents insurers across a broad array of professional disciplines including: Lawyers Architects Engineers... by sociallinus | Aug 1, 2018 | Practice Areas
Products Liability Our attorneys handle all types of product liability cases. Some of our product liability cases have included: Vehicles Motor Carriers Boats Jet Skis Electronics Consumer and Household Products Appliances Medical Products Pharmaceuticals Because...
by sociallinus | Aug 1, 2018 | Practice Areas
Latin American Market In recent years, Fields Howell has expanded its robust international insurance practice to handle claims arising in a number of Latin American insurance markets. Fields Howell’s Miami office employs experienced bilingual attorneys who are...
by sociallinus | Aug 1, 2018 | Practice Areas
Subrogation Over the years, we have recovered millions of dollars for insurers while only taking selective cases, often after other firms turn them down. In recent years, Fields Howell attorneys returned $2 million to insurers in two cases we resolved. With our...